Installation guide#

femto can be installed using pip.

As a first step, check that you have a working Python with pip installed by running the following command:

python -m pip --version

If pip is not installed in the system, follow this installation guide.

The preferred way to install the package is using a virtual environment. In Python this can be done using several tool such as virtualenv or conda.


virtualenv has to be installed from pip.

pip install virtualenv

Create a new virtual environment named femto_venv using

virtualenv femto_venv

Finally, activate the virtual environment


Check that Python is correctly activated using the command

Get-Command python | fl *

The python.exe executable should be inside the .\femto_venv\Scripts directory.


Open the conda/Anaconda prompt and type the following commands

  • Update the conda manager:

conda update conda
  • Create a virtual environment:

conda create --name femto python=3.8


femto supports all the versions of Python from 3.7.

  • Activate the environment:

conda activate femto

Once the virtual environment is set up, simply install the packages (and its dependencies) with this command:

pip install git+